Blessing Meditation on Romans 8:24-31
I was relishing in the rich verses of God’s faithful love in Psalm 118:1-9; 14-18.
They are my blessing meditation for you today:
I bless you that the LORD is FOR YOU!
You can give Him all your fears!
Yes! Your FAITHFUL LORD is FOR YOU! He will HELP you!
I bless you that His strong right arm is raised in TRIUMPH over you!
He has done glorious things!
He alone is your STRENGTH! Your SONG!
Yes! I bless you that He is FOR YOU!
His FAITHFUL LOVE for you endures forever!
I bless you with songs of JOY and VICTORY!
For He alone is your STRENGTH and your SONG!
I bless you with His GOODNESS!
His FAITHFUL LOVE for you endures forever!
He is FOR YOU!
I was stirred in reading Psalm 40:1-4 in the Passion Translation this morning:
“I waited and waited and waited some more…knowing God would come through
for me…Now he’s lifted me up into a firm, secure place and steadied me while I
walk along his ascending path. A NEW SONG for a NEW DAY rises up in me every
time I think about how he breaks through for me! Ecstatic praise pours out of my
mouth…many will see His miracles…Blessing after blessing comes to those who love
and trust the Lord.” And so I bless you in this time of waiting, “more waiting” and
even “more waiting” with the rock solid assurance that your God will come through
for you! Yes! I bless you with His placing you in a firm, secure place and steadying
you in this time of waiting with His NEW SONG arising in your for a NEW DAY about
His breaking through!
I bless you today in not giving up or becoming inpatient.
Yes! I bless you in being entwined as one with the LORD!
I bless you to be BRAVE and COURAGEOUS and never LOSE HOPE!
Yes! Keep on waiting…..I bless you He will never DISAPPOINT you!
Blessing Meditation on Psalm 27:14 (The Passion Translation)