Healing Prayer

Haven of Healing Ministry is a Christ-centered, non-profit prayer ministry
dedicated to binding up the broken-hearted by bringing healing and encouragement
through prayer, pastoral care and support.

What We Do

  • Provide Healing Prayer for the physical, emotional and spiritual areas of life.
  • Provide prayer, spiritual support and encouragement for leaders.

Services Offered:

If you need extra prayer and emotional support while doing intense therapy or you’re in a spiritual crisis and don’t know where to turn, our prayer and encouragement can aid the healing process. We can provide intensive spiritual support through prayer to break through blockages and hindrances in your healing process.

We’re available to provide prayer and encouragement to aid the healing journey for the following:

  • Individuals
  • A therapist and their client
  • Support Groups
  • Individual Therapists
  • Counseling Groups

Healing Workshops
We host one-day healing workshop with therapist-led groups.

We provide prayer and prayer team support to pastors, leaders, and therapists.

Schedule your appointment TODAY:  714-931-2030

Fee for service is $50/session.  Sliding scale is provided.