I bless you with all the ways
the Lord God has become your STRENGTH and your SONG!
Your MIGHTY DELIVERER has given you victory!
This is your GOD!
The One who fights your battles!

I bless you and join you in giving Him praise
for ALL He has done!
for ALL He is doing!
for ALL He will do!
Yes! We exalt Him together!

Your right hand, O Lord is glorious in power!
Your right hand, O Lord, smashed the enemy!
There is none like You, O Lord!
Awesome in splendor and performing great wonders!

By the power of Your arm, O Lord,
Make the enemy lifeless as stone
Until Your people pass by…
Until Your people You purchased pass by!
You will bring us in and plant us on Your mountain, O Lord!
The place reserved for Your own dwelling!

Yes! I bless you with the Lord God
Making your enemies lifeless as stone!
I bless you with His planting you on His mountain!
His dwelling place!
The place where He abides forever!

This is your God!
The God who fights your battles!
He is your STRENGTH and your SONG!
Your MIGHTY DELIVERER has given you victory!
(from Exodus 15:2, 6, 11, 16-17)

Blessing Prayer for Strength, Courage and Guidance
(from Joshua 1)

I bless you with how the Lord God has placed His hand upon you!

I bless you that you are His very own be-loved one on whom His favor rests
and in whom He is well-pleased!

I bless you and declare over you the Lord’s promise that
wherever you place your foot, you will be on land He has given you!

I bless and declare over you that no one will be
able to stand against you as long as you live!
That the Lord your God is with you!
He will not fail you!
He will not abandon you!

Yes! I bless and declare over you His strength, grace and power
enabling you to be courageous!

I bless you to give Him your fears and discouragement,
for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go!

I bless you with His steadying you with His Almighty right hand,
Strengthening you with His powerful arm
All the power that raised Christ Jesus from the dead
Seating Him at the Father’s right hand
Making Him Lord of Lords and King of all Kings!
Jesus, your Faithful and True One who rides the white horse!
Jesus! Your Champion in the seen and unseen realm!

I bless your thoughts, emotions, spirit, will and body
to be bound together in His great love for you!

I bless you fulfilling all He has purposed for you!
Far and above all you can imagine or think!
For His name and fame!

I declare God’s faithful love over you
and bless you with His love that never ends!

I declare over you God’s mercies never cease
and bless you with His mercies raining down upon you in this time!

I declare over you, “How GREAT is the Lord’s faithfulness!”
and bless you with the greatness of His faithfulness,
His faithfulness towards you in the midst of all that surrounds you!

I declare over you that the Lord’s mercies begin afresh each morning!
and bless you with His NEW mercies for today!

I declare over you that the “Lord is your inheritance”
and bless you with ALL He has to give and provide you in this very moment!

I declare over you that your HOPE is in the Lord!
Yes!! I bless you that your HOPE is in the Lord!

I declare over you that the Lord is good to those who depend on Him,
to those who search for Him.
And so I bless you with the goodness that comes from waiting quietly for His grace,
His daily saving grace, His deliverance!

Yes! I bless you with the Lord’s daily mercies raining down!
I bless you to stand with ever renewed HOPE in Him!
I bless you with the GOODNESS that comes from quietly waiting upon His grace,
His daily saving grace, His mighty deliverance!
Because your HOPE is in Him!

I bless you with His binding your thoughts, your emotions,
your will, your body and your spirit in His great love for you.
I bless you with His strengthening you
with all the power of His Spirit that raised Christ Jesus from the dead,
seating Him at the Father’s right hand
far above all rule, power and authority
giving Him the name of Jesus:
Lord of Lords! King of Kings!
Your Champion in the seen and unseen realm!
Yes! I bless you that He is your Faithful and True One who rides the white horse!

I bless you with daily HOPE arising! Hope! Hope! Hope!


A Blessing Prayer from Psalm 18:28-50
(from the Message Bible)

I bless you with God’s suddenlies flood-lighting your life!
Blazing you with His glory:
His compassion, mercy and GRACE
His unfailing love and faithfulness
Slowness to anger and forever forgiveness!
Blazing you with His awesome GRACEpower!
GRACEpower enabling you to scale any wall and leap the highest fences!
GRACEpower that comes from His Spirit
That raised Jesus from the dead
Seating Him at the Father’s right hand
Far above all rule power and authority
Naming Him, Jesus!
Lord of Lords and King of Kings!
Your Champion in the seen and unseen realm
The Faithful and true One riding the white horse!

I bless you with how this is your God!
There is none other like Him!
This is the same God who arms you!
Has aimed you in the right direction!
So that you run like a deer!
He shows you how to fight
So you can bend a bronze bow!
He protects you with His salvation-armor!
Holding you up with a firm hand.
He clears the ground under you
So that your footing is firm!

He is your God! Your Rock and High Tower!
Your free and freeing God
Setting things right for you
Rescuing you from enemy anger
Saving you from the enemies of your soul!

I bless you with His covenant of LIFE and PEACE,
A covenant purchased by His blood that speaks the word FORGIVEN! (Hebrews 12:24)
A covenant that precedes and stands above all plans and schemes of evil.

I bless you with heart-filled gratitude and joy!
Singing His Praises!
I bless you with His rich goodness and unfailing love
surrounding you and pursuing you all the days of your life.



A Blessing Prayer from portions of Psalm 18

I bless you in your calling on the LORD
Who is worthy to be praised!
Yes, I bless you in your declaring your great love to Him
For He is your STRENGTH!
The ONE who has and is saving you from your enemies!

I bless you with how GOD is your ROCK in whom you find protection!
He is your ROCK, your FORTRESS, and your SAVIOR!
I bless you with how He is the POWER that saves you!
He is your SHIELD and your place of SAFETY!

I bless you with the LORD your GOD lighting up your darkness!
Yes!  I bless you with His lighting a lamp for you!
I bless you that in His STRENGTH you can crush an army!
Yes! I bless you with scaling any wall with your GOD!

I bless you with the LORD’S promises proving true!
He is a SHIELD for all who look to Him for protection!
I bless you with His arming you with STRENGTH
And making your way perfect!

I bless you with His HELP making you great:
His giving you a SHIELD of VICTORY;
His right hand supporting you!
Yes!  I bless you with His making a wide path for your feet
To keep them from slipping!

The LORD lives!  I bless you in singing praises to your ROCK!
He alone is your DAILY SAVING GRACE!
Guiding and directing you,
Keeping you safe,
Demonstrating to you His UNFAILING LOVE!

Yes!  I bless you that this is your God!
(from Psalm 18:1-3; 28-32; 35-36)


I bless you in celebrating
heaven touching earth
through the birth and life of
the One who came
to bind up our wounds,
break the chains that bind us,
to bring
into our lives!

I bless you with God’s mercy,
The morning light from heaven,
breaking in upon you
To shine light into all the dark places around you
And to guide you onto His pathway of peace!  (Luke 1:78-79)

 I bless you with the Christmas message to Mary:
“The Lord is with you, favored one!
Nothing is impossible with God!”  (Luke 1:30, 37)
Yes! I bless you with the faith to believe
That the Lord would do ALL He said He’d do!
For He, the Mighty One, who is holy
Has done great things for us!  (Luke 1:49)
Yes! He has done great things for us in and through His Son, JESUS!

Blessings to you
this Christmas!

Sharon Barnes, Director
Haven of Healing Ministry

A Blessing Prayer from Romans 8:31-39

I bless you with how much God is for you!
With his ever pursuing power and glory!
His amazing love that never ends!
Yes!  I bless you that this is the God that is for you!

The God who did not spare even His own Son;
But gave Him up for you!
I bless you that this same God will also give you everything else!
Therefore no one, no thing can ever stand against you!

I bless you with how God has chosen you for His very own!
Yes!  God, Himself has given you a place – right standing with Himself!
So no one can condemn you!
No one dare accuse you!
No one!  No thing!

I bless you with how much God is for you!
How Christ Jesus died for you!
Was raised to life for you!
Is now sitting at the place of honor at God’s right hand pleading for you!

I bless you with how NOTHING can separate you from His love
Not death nor life!
Neither angels or demons!
Not your fear for today or your worries about tomorrow!
Not even the powers of hell!
No power in the sky above or in the earth below!
Indeed!  Nothing in all creation!
No THING!  NOTHING can separate you from His never-ending love!
This love that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord!

YES!   I bless you that this is the God that is for you!
With His ever pursuing power and glory!
His amazing love that never ends!
I bless you with His AMAZING LOVE!

Thank you, Jesus!
Thank you, God!



A Blessing Prayer from Psalm 121

I bless your eyes to be opened to see
As you are looking for where your help comes –
Even as you look to the mountains for help!
That your help comes from the Lord!
From El-Shaddai, Lord God Almighty!
Even the Lord who made the heavens and the earth!

I bless you that He is your GOD!
He is where your help comes from!
He will not slumber or sleep!
I bless you with His continual watching over you!
Not letting you stumble!
Always awake!

Yes! I bless you that He is your GOD!
The Lord who watches over your life!
Standing beside you as your protective shade!
Jehovah Himself! Caring for you!
Defending you!  Protecting you!
Keeping you from all evil!
Keeping your life!

Yes!  I bless you with the Lord Himself keeping watch
Over your coming and your going!
Always guarding you!
Today and forever!


A Blessing Prayer from Isaiah 40:25-31

I bless you with the GREATNESS of our GOD!
Our GOD to whom there is NO equal!
Our GOD to whom none can compare!
Our GOD who created ALL the stars,
Bringing them out like an army, one after another!
Calling them each by their name!
Our GOD, who because of His GREAT power and incomparable strength,
Not one single star is missing!

I bless you that this is your GOD!
The very same GOD who sees your troubles!
The very same GOD who will not ignore your rights!

YES! I bless you that this is your GOD!
The CREATOR of all the earth!
I bless you with how He never grows weak or weary!
No one can measure the depths of His understanding!
I bless you with how He gives power to the weak
And strength to the powerless!

I bless you with finding NEW strength in Him!
I bless you with soaring high on wings like eagles!
I bless you with running and not growing weary!
YES! I bless you with walking and not fainting
As you trust in the LORD!
Even wait upon the LORD, your GOD!

A Blessing Prayer from Psalm 23

I bless all that the Lord is as your Shepherd and King!
Providing all that you need in Him.

I bless you with the rest He provides in green meadows!
How He leads you beside peaceful streams!
Renewing your strength!

I bless you with His guiding you along right paths
Bringing honor to his name!

I bless you with His walking close beside you
So that you are not afraid!
Even when walking through the darkest valley!

I bless you with His rod and staff
Protecting and comforting you!
Leading and guiding you!

I bless you with the feast He prepares for you
In the presence of your enemies!

I bless you with how He honors you:
By anointing your head with oil!
Causing your cup to overflow with His blessings!

I bless you with His goodness and unfailing love pursuing you
All the days of your life!

Yes!  I bless you with living in the house of the Lord forever!